road trip food from ny to fl

Food & Snack Ideas for a Family Road Trip

Are you planning a road trip? Planning is key to success on the road, and part of that is packing good food and snacks. Check out my road trip food list and what we pack when we head out on the road.

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14 Tips for Family Travel on a Budget

How do you travel as a family on a budget? With gas prices and airline prices soaring how can families afford a family vacation? Today we are sharing our tips for family travel on a budget.

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family day trips fun stops.

Family Day Trips: Tips for Planning a Day Trip

Planning family day trips can be a great way to create family memories and reconnect. These tips for planning a day trip will help you shake up your routine and feel like you are on vacation, even for a day.

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letchworth state park view

7 Reasons Traveling with Your Kids is Worth It

Traveling with your kids can be amazing. Your kids will appreciate art and history. Your family will smile and laugh and create memories that will last forever. There will be no fights between siblings, no fights between my husband and I. We will all be happy the entire week. Have I sold you on taking a family vacation?

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