4 Powerful Lessons Learned from Disney’s Moana

Most Disney films come with a lesson, but nothing as powerful as the lessons learned from Disney’s Moana.

I have been waiting for this movie to open ever since I saw the first trailer over the summer.  I knew there was something special about it.  Moana’s character resonated with me as a mom and incorporates the lessons I want for my children.

From the beginning of the movie, Moana does not disappoint. The theme of Moana is self discovery and finding your way. The story is wonderfully written.  

It follows Moana and her journey of discovering who she is and saving her village. She meets up with Maui(a demi god), and they go on an adventure of self discovery.

I laughed and cried as I watched their journey unfold.  It was so emotional.

I love Disney movies but something about this movie tugged at my heart as a mom. The animation is gorgeous.  The scenes in the ocean amazed me. I couldn’t take my eyes off it.  

And of course…there is the music.  The music is catchy and you will be singing it for days. The movie is absolutely amazing.  Everyone in the family loved it.

disney moana movie poster

Moana Moral Lessons for Families

Family is SO Important

As I raise my children I want them to know that family is so important. We are the ones that will be there for each other through the ups and downs.

Throughout the movie Moana is out to help her people.  She is motivated by where her people came from.  

Her biggest supporter is her grandmother who inspires her throughout the movie. Their love for each other helps Moana to continue her journey. I love the relationship they have.

My kids are lucky to have both sets of grandparents and have spent time with some of their great-grandparents. This is an incredible lesson of family and the bonds of generations.

We have gone on vacation with both sets of grandparents and I believe it helps my kids to understand the importance of family bonds.

Moana’s grandmother sees what is truly inside Moana and motivates her to follow her heart. She does it in a gentle way that helps Moana discover who she is.

Family time is a priority for us. We make time and carve out moments during the week when we can truly connect.

It’s Okay to Fail

Moana has to overcome so many obstacles and fails many times through out her journey. She is faced with learning new things and growing into who she is.

These moments are full of mistakes but she never falters. She keeps trying and does what she believes in. Even when she gives up her heart pushes her to follow her true path.

My kids failures are small now but I want them to know that every mistake they make shapes them. From every mistake a lesson can be learned. I want them to persevere.

Mistakes give you character and push you to try again. The greatness that Moana discovers within herself, can be attributed to the mistakes she made to get there.

One of the hardest things as a parent is watching your child fail. Our instinct is to scoop them up and help them succeed. Much success comes from the motivation of failures.

Follow your Heart

Moana struggles with the expectations of her father and who she is in her heart. There are many moments in the movie where she questions who she is.  

She feels a responsibility to her family as well as to herself. The internal struggle of what you are supposed to do and what you know is your destiny can be understood universally.

There is a moment in the film where the mother has to let Moana follow her dream and as a mom it was so difficult to watch because I knew someday I will be in that moment. I will be wishing my children well.

Sending them off to college or whatever path they choose. It will be the most emotional moment to come but also the proudest.

As difficult as it may be to let go I want to support my children to follow their dreams and always be who they truly believe they can be.

Be Brave

Every part of Moana’s journey is new and unexpected.  She travels to places that are unknown.  As I watched her courage and bravery I was inspired.  

Her passion to help people pushes her to take risks. Most of the biggest decisions you will make take the biggest risks. To be brave even when you don’t feel it is a lesson from Moana that applies to all ages.

In the last year I have taken risks that I never thought were possible. I have tried things that I was afraid of and I have acted brave even when I was terrified.

I know my children are watching and I hope they see that being brave in the face of fear will help you achieve greatness never imaginable.

Moana is a stunning movie that all ages and genders will love. The lessons from this movie inspired me and they are wonderful lessons I want to teach my children.

Disney has told a story that will excite young children and their parents for generations to come.  A new Disney classic has arrived.

Read Next: Creative Writing for Kids: 40 Fun Writing Prompts from Disney Movies

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20 thoughts on “4 Powerful Lessons Learned from Disney’s Moana”

    • We loved it too!! The messages from the movie are so sweet and it really is a fantastic movie. Thanks for reading!

  1. Sounds like a great movie! I really like the lessons it teaches. I still haven’t seen it, but am looking forward to renting it when it comes out!

  2. Loved Moana! I took my daughter to see it in theaters as a mommy/daughter date and it was so fun! The part that made me cry though was when Moana was trying to pack up her things to leave and save the island and her mom shows up and helps her. She doesn’t want her to go and possibly never come back but she recognizes that it’s something Moana has to do. As a mom, that really hit home.


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